Sponsor Tenzin Palsang 1065 CASE HISTORY Name: Tenzin Palsang Date of Birth: 25.06.2009 Place of Birth: Zangskar Adm No: 1065 Father Name: Tenzin Tselha Family Occupation: Farmer Basic Profile: Tenzin Palsang was born to a small family at Zangskar in northern part of India. Family background of Palsang is a poor and his family totally depend on small land of farming. In year 2017, with consent from his family he came to join Tashi Lhunpo Monastery to become a monk and study Buddhism. Current Profile as a monk: As a monk of Tashi Lhunpo Monastery, he was simple and hardworking. He is always obedient to teachers and seniors. He has shown excellent in doing his class and home works in time. He also enjoys his leisure time with friends and enjoys the day. It will take him more than 20 years to complete his Buddhist doctorate course. Ven. Kachen Tenzin Kalden is appointed by the administration office of the monastery as his private teacher and to take care of him. Presently he is studying both modern education and Buddhist philosophical text. Appeal: We seek someone to fund him as there is nobody to support his educational expenses. We request you to be Sponsor of this child so that he could achieve his goal and become a contributing member to the society. Your money will be used to cover their basic need such as food, clothing, health care and education. Also you can correspondence with your god child through letter and email so to continue to develop this special lifelong relationship. Your support will not be a waste; we will remain ever grateful to your kindness and shall do prayers for your Good Health, Happiness and prosperity. With best wishes, Office Tashi Lhunpo Monastery ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tashi Lhunpo Monastery in South India was re-established in 1972 under the direction of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Now home to over 400 monks, the Monastery continues to work to preserve their unique culture in exile. Each monk who chooses to join the Monastery family will be looked after for the rest of his life. Everything you give, whether one-off donations, or regular payments (including those for sponsored monks), will be sent to the monastery to support the monks, young and old, who study and live in Tashi Lhunpo. Your donation will be used to support many different areas of the monastery including the Food Fund, the Clinic, the School, the Library and the Tantric College, and will benefit the whole community from the youngest to the oldest of our monks. Any amount however large or small, is welcome. Some people like to give a one-off donation on the Dalai Lama’s or Panchen Lama’s birthday, for example, or to ask for a relative who is sick or in difficult circumstances to be remembered, and you can do this through our regular General Donation form here. If you are a UK Taxpayer we can claim Gift Aid on your donation, which makes it more valuable to the monastery. Some donors like to personalise their donation by regularly sponsoring a particular monk and we suggest a donation of £15 a month or more, although any amount you can afford will be welcome. If you would like to set up a sponsorship for Tenzin Palsang (1065) please click here, please email us on [email protected] or send a message through the website. Further biographical details for the monks can be sent, and we can provide details of other monks in the monastery for you to choose instead, so please let us know if you have any preference for a young monk, a senior student or an elderly monk in your email, or if you are happy for the monastery to make a selection for you. You will receive newsletters twice a year, as well as greetings and thank you cards from the monastery at Christmas. You are welcome to contact your sponsored monk either through the office in India or through the UK Trust, but sadly we cannot promise a regular correspondence from him, mainly because of the difficulty in language and also because of the pressure of his studies or duties in the monastery. Your sponsored monk will, however, know of your support, and will regularly be including you in his daily prayers. Thank you for your help.